Go Once to a Chiropractor and Hooked Forever? No Thanks!

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  5. Go Once to a Chiropractor and Hooked Forever? No Thanks!

Is it true that once you start going to chiropractor you
“have to” keep going?

Short Answer: NO!

Long Answer: As an adult citizen living in the free
world with unalienable rights, you’re the boss of you,
especially regarding your body and health.

Whether starting, stopping, or continuing
chiropractic care or any other healthcare
options, you’re responsible for
making the best choices for yourself.
No one, no doctor has the right to usurp
your personal choices.  And it’s up to you to
stand strong for what’s best for you.    

Chiropractor–An Enigma 

As a chiropractor, practicing for over 40 years, I’ve worked
with many people who know little to nothing about chiropractic.

There are lots of unknowns.

What exactly do chiropractors do? [click here] Are they all alike? [click here]
Will she (he) be able to help you? Will it hurt? [click here]
How long will it take to feel better? How much does it cost? [click here]

With so many unanswered questions, it’s scary to leap into
unfamilar territory. [click here]

I get that.

But balking at going to a chiropractor because you’re
afraid you’ll get hogtied into going forever?

Now that boggles my brain.


What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

When you go to a dentist for the first time, you may start care
with that dentist and return for follow-up dental care.

But, you certainly don’t “have to.” What if you don’t like
the dentist? What if he doesn’t do a great job on you?

Same considerations with all healthcare practitioners.

The course of your care is ultimately your choice.
Similar to all healthcare doctors, you may
choose to see a chiropractor, check out what
she does, and follow through with her
recommendations, or opt out at any time.
The buck stops with you.
It’s that simple.

(**Please note: If you sign a long-term care contract with a
chiropractor, it may not be so simple.

Be cautious. Know what you’re signing up for and paying for.
Make sure you’re comfortable with the chiropractor and his
methods of adjusting.

Look at the financial consequences of premature
of the contract.

With a contract that locks you into a long-term commitment,
you could run into snafues if the chiropractor doesn’t meet
your expectations.)



Step-by-Step Choices at Doc Martin Chiropractic

When you first step into my office, you may have no idea
who I am, what chiropractic is, and whether I can help you
or not.

That’s okay. Together, we’ll explore your problems and
whether chiropractic care is appropriate for you.

You share with me what’s wrong. I’ll listen. Then I’ll
share with you if I think I can help you.

If I can help you, then it’s your choice
to go forward with chiropractic care,
or not.

I strongly encourage you to take one step at a
time. Carefully consider each decision you make
and feel good about it.

During the course of your chiropractic
care with me, you are free to stop care
at any time.

Step 1: Free Consultation (15 minutes)

I reserve this special time to sit down together to
discuss your reasons for seeking chiropractic
care and to address your questions and concerns.

It is during the consultation that I let you know if I
can help you. If I think I can, you decide whether you’d
like to take the next step and start chiropractic care.

Step 2: Initiation of Chiropractic Care

Spinal Examination: I thoroughly examine your spine
(clothes stay on!) and I talk to you about what I find.

Chiropractic Adjustment: Immediately following the
examination, I will, what chiropractors call, “adjust” your spine.

I slowly walk you through this process while explaining
what I’m doing and why.

You will learn a great deal about your spine and related areas,
like your lower back [click here], neck, and cranial bones (the bones in your skull).

Sometimes, even after just one adjustment, you
feel a noticeable
difference. Not always, but often.

Typically, after two or three adjustments,
you and Dr. Martin
will both likely know if her
painless methods of adjusting work well

for you. [click here]

Step 3: Pain Care (1 to 6 weeks)

After the initial consultation, spinal exam, and first chiropractic
adjustment, you may choose to continue your care or stop care,
even after the first chiropractic adjustment.

I personally recommend not only getting out of pain
but staying out of pain for several weeks.

However, it’s your body, your choice when to continue care
and when to stop. I make my best recommendations, and
I respect your decisions based on your goals and
what is right for you.

Pain Care can take anywhere from one week to approximately
six weeks depending on several variables.

Variables include but limited to: location of pain, severity,
length of time with pain, age, wear and tear, current
physical work and activities, level of physical fitness, and
complying with my instructions. [click here]



Step 4: Recuperative Care (Several months)

Recuperative Care includes the time it takes to completely
relieve your pain plus while gradually increasing time
between chiropractic adjustments.

The goal is to ensure stabilization of the spine while reducing
and preventing recurrence of back pain, neck pain, headaches,
migraines, leg pain, hip pain, and other muscular skeletal related pain.

The time between visits becomes longer and longer while
the pain becomes less and less.

Step 5: Maintenance Care (Monthly to Bi-Monthly)

Graduation! Congratulations!

Maintenance chiropractic care is exactly what it sounds like.

Getting your spine checked monthly, even bi-monthly, to
ensure maximum performance of your spine with fewer
episodes of spine-related aches and pains.


Your Spine. Your Health. Your Choice.

If you’re plagued by persistent lower back pain, middle back pain,
neck pain, headaches, migraines, and/or other aches and pains,
consider taking that first, risk-free step into my office.

Let’s have a conversation about you and if I may be the
right chiropractor for you. (Also, keep your mind open to any
chiropractor highly recommended to you.)

As we, together, build your level of knowledge and comfort,
you will be better able to make the right decisions for you
throughout the course of your chiropractic care.

As you make choices all along the way,
you may
discover that chiropractic care
may be more than a
game changer.

Chiropractic just could be a life changer!