3 Super Good Reasons to See a Chiropractor

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  5. 3 Super Good Reasons to See a Chiropractor

You’re hurting. Desperate. Fighting with pain for way
too long. Even toying with the idea of seeing a chiropractor,
but don’t know for sure what they do.

Allow me to help you cut to the chase.

Here are 3 super good reasons to see a chiropractor:

  1. You’re sick and tired of hurting.
  2. You’re frustrated—NOTHING has helped for long.
  3. You’re disappointed—even a chiropractor didn’t help.

Let’s dig a little deeper, shall we? 

1. Y
ou’re sick and tired of hurting.

You’re done! You’re over it. You just want your life back. But you’re
stuck with this pain that just won’t quit.

What next?

Whether or not you’ve tried other options, this may be a good time
to see a chiropractor.

You’ve probably at least heard of chiropractors, who somehow,
someway help people get rid of pain.

But what kinds of pain do they help?

More importantly, can a chiropractor help
YOUR pain?” [click here]

Let’s try to figure that out right now.

What Kinds of Pain Can Chiropractors Help? [click here]

– Lower back pain, ache, and/or tightness (at or below the waist), sometimes
in the center, sometimes to right and/or left of center where the hips join the
sacrum (sacroiliac joints) [click here], sometimes radiating into buttock and/or into one
or both legs or up the spine toward the shoulder blade area [click here]

– Lower back pain or ache (waist level or above) and/or muscle tightness
(lumbar spine), radiating up and/or down the spine

– Groin pain

– Hip pain, ache, and/or tightness

– Buttock pain

– Thigh pain, numbness, and/or tingling

– Calf pain, numbness, and/or tingling

– Tailbone (coccyx) pain

– Neck pain, ache, or tightness [click here}

– Upper back pain, ache, and/or tightness

– Shoulder blade area pain, ache, and/or tightness

– Shoulder joint pain and/or tightness

– Arm pain, ache, numbness, and/or tingling

– Rib and/or sternum pain

– Headaches [click here]

– Migraines

– Jaw pain or ache (TMJ), grinding, clenching, clicking, and/or locking

**Even foot, knee, ankle, elbow, and wrist pain can, in certain
circumstances, respond well to chiropractic care.


PAIN: A Whipping Red Flag

The pain can range anywhere from an occasional, annoying neckache
and headache to constant, lightning sharp low back pain or an
incapacitating migraine.

Whether big or small, nagging or crippling, occasional or constant, pain is
a red flag!

Don’t ignore it and hope it goes away.

Do pay attention.

For instance, if you’ve got neck pain that stays for longer than a few days
or headaches that reoccur once a week to once a month, a chiropractor
may be able help you.

If that lower back pain keeps coming back, or worse, just keeps gnawing at
you no matter how careful you are or how much you exercise, chiropractic
could give you a helping hand.

Maybe you don’t have to live with that neck pain, headaches, and/or lower
back pain after all.

Pain is Sneaky.

Whether mild or severe, constant or on and off, pain is your body’s cry for help.

Don’t be seduced into complacency by “mild, no-big-deal” kind of pain.

If you have pain long enough, often enough little
aches, pains, and stiffness
can sneak up on you,
striking from out of the blue, with unexpected force.

Maybe you simply bend forward to tie your shoes, and ZAP—you’re in agonizing
lower back pain.

Maybe you turn your head back over your shoulder to look for traffic, and ZING,
instant sharp neck pain shoots up to your head.

Maybe you went to bed feeling okay, but when you wake up, you’re
stove-up with lower back pain, making it difficult to get out of bed.

Regardless of the intensity of the pain, mild or severe, chiropractic may be
able to help you.


2. You’re frustrated—NOTHING has helped.

You’ve tried everything, so you think.

Pain killers, muscle relaxants, MD, advanced imaging, orthopedic,
massage therapy, physical therapy, stretching, yoga, and exercise.

Nothing has worked—for long. You still have
the same pain.

The “S” word has even been mentioned (S = surgery), but you’re not
so keen on that.

Despite your efforts and those from well-intended experts, the pain
persists. Driving you crazy. Wreaking havoc on your life.

What else can you do?

Well, it’s never too late to give chiropractic a try.

Hop into the chiropractic research: [click here] [click here] [click here] [click here]

Get a strong referral from a friend. Look at websites.
Check out a few reviews. Make a phone call or two. Ask for an interview
or consultation with a chiropractor or, better yet, several chiropractors
near you. Prepare questions and concerns ahead of time.

Don’t settle for the first chiropractor you talk to.
Get a feel for who may
be the best fit for you.

Then . . . take the leap into the world of chiropractic.

Prepare to be amazed at how good you can
feel–especially if you work with
the chiropractor
for a while and do your part to get better.

As a chiropractor, in practice for decades, I’ve not only witnessed
countless miracles, but I have also personally experienced that pain-to-no-pain
chiropractic miracle many times myself. [my personal chiropractic miracle]

Perhaps you are one of those miracles just
waiting to happen.  

This leads us to . . .


3. You’re disappointed—even a chiropractor couldn’t
help you.

What if . . . you’ve already tried a chiropractor, but he or she couldn’t
help you?

What then?

That IS disappointing. However, just because one chiropractor
couldn’t help you doesn’t mean that another chiropractor can’t
give you relief.

So, what are your options when one chiropractor doesn’t get
the results you’re looking for?

Simple question deserving a logical answer.

Find another chiropractor. [click here]

All chiropractors are different. Yes, we must fulfill the same rigorous
educational and licensing requirements.

However, similar to the differences between any two MDs, dentists,
surgeons, cancer specialists, physical therapists, etc., no two chiropractors
are alike. It’s that simple.

Chiropractors have different experience, different expertise, different
personalities, and different methods of adjusting (treating the spine)
and related areas of the muscular skeletal system (bones, muscles, nerves).

For instance, some chiropractors use primarily manual manipulation
while other chiropractors use specific instruments to adjust or treat spines.

A chiropractor and his or her methods of adjusting may work very well for
the friend who referred you but may not work as well for you.

Don’t give up. Find the right chiropractor for you.

Interesting phenomenon. If you’re not happy with one dentist, you find
another dentist. If you don’t see eye to eye with one MD, you find the
right one for you.

If you don’t progress with one physical therapist, you find another.
One massage therapist delivers the perfect massage while another
falls short with you.

Chiropractors are just as different from each other as the individuals
in all other branches of health care and other professions, such as
attorneys, CPAs, and teachers.

If one chiropractor doesn’t work for you for whatever
reason, seek another. You may have to do a little
more hunting.

However, if the end result is freedom from pain,
freedom to reclaim
your life, the search is well worth
the extra effort. 

Yes, of course, there is that possibility that chiropractic, no matter who
the doctor is, can’t help you—at least not with that one particular problem.

However, there’s also the possibility that the chiropractor behind
the next door you walk through will be the perfect fit for you– a
Doctor of Chiropractic who can effectively and purposefully help
you live your life as pain free as possible.