Back pain relief Anderson-light-blue-hero


BACK PAIN is a THIEF. It can steal your life. Sometimes for good.

STOP that thief. Take back YOUR LIFE – starting right now. Frustrated and fed up with nagging or agonizing BACK PAIN? Tired of neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, hip pain, or leg pain interfering with your life?

Weary of waiting for the pain to go away by itself? Desperate for relief? Even more desperate to GET YOUR LIFE BACK?

MAYBE You’VE Already. . .


Tried medications that worked

. . . until they didn’t?


Tried back pain specialists that gave some relief

. . . but didn’t last?


Tried a chiropractor who helped some

. . . but your back pain persists?

If so, you may benefit from a more effective combination of corrective techniques.

Get in touch with Doc Martin


Take The Quiz

IF you’re experiencing lower back pain, leg pain, groin pain, or hip pain, you’re invited to take this short, easy, 5-question quiz to help you decide your next best step: see a doctor of chiropractic or an orthopedic back specialist.


Call Doc Martin

How about a text or phone call to Doc Martin or, even better, a FREE face-to-face conversation with Doc Martin? You-tell-all, and Doc Martin listens, really listens. She will help you decide your next best step to finally get relief.

What makes Doc Martin unique?

01. Painless Adjustments

Doc Martin is highly skilled in multiple, gentle techniques that use state-of-the-art, precision instruments to deliver effective, but PAINLESS spinal adjustments without “popping” or “cracking” the joints of the spine.

02.  32+ Years of Experience

For over 32 years, Doc Martin directed her busy, private practice and helped folks just like you get out of pain and reclaim their lives. 

03.  Focus on YOU

Doc Martin really does care. She listens to you. She empathizes with you. She makes you feel like you’re important because . . . YOU ARE!

04.  Transparency

You and Doc Martin share the same goal—for you to get better and on with your life. If at any time, she thinks you are NOT a good candidate for her methods of chiropractic care, she will let you know immediately and help you find someone who may be able to help you. Even the initial, no-risk, face-to-face consultation often can reveal to her whether she can offer you a solution to your problem. 

05.  Education

Bachelor of Science degree (4 years), Doctor of Chiropractic (4 years), graduated as class Valedictorian, summa cum laude, and 32+ years of continuing education focused on the correction of spine-related and muscular-skeletal-related causes of pain.

06.  Fair Fees

After the no-fee, initial consultation, IF Doc Martin feels confident that she can help you and, IF you feel she is right for you, the fee for the next step, a thorough spinal evaluation, is $50. A chiropractic adjustment is just $45. Follow-up visits are $45 – no matter how long the visit takes.

07.  Passion

You matter to Doc Martin. People matter to Doc Martin. What gets her excited is freeing people, just like you, from the gripping jaws of chronic, nagging pain or acute, severe, ripping back pain so that you can reclaim your full, normal day-to-day life of family, relationships, work, play, energy, and just feeling good.

Chiropractor Honored to Serve Anderson, SC, and the Upstate

“I have no more pain in my neck or back . . . no more headaches. I can run when I want and garden. I am more agile . . . and more cheerful…and better at work. No pain improves everything!"


Nancy Radich

Doc Martin's Patient

“Thank you, Dr. Leslie, you’ve given me my life back!”


Carrie Madison

Doc Martin's Patient

“I now have the ability to perform my job with increased strength and consistency – also without any pain, stiffness, or restrictions.” 


Sherry Canepa

Doc Martin's Patient

“I feel so good. My neck and back pain hardly ever come back now. Thank you with all my heart, Dr. Leslie, for helping me reclaim my life. You've inspired me to be responsible for my health and life.”


Lauretta Ehling

Doc Martin's Patient
“I have increased mobility, improved performance at work and home, improved sense of well-being, reduction of pain. If I feel better, I do everything better. It makes life more fun.”


Lorraine Sage

Doc Martin's Patient


The Time is Now.

Why? Because the longer you wait, the worse the pain may get.
Call now to talk with Doc Martin or schedule time for your FREE Face-to-Face Consultation.
There is little to lose—except YOUR PAIN—and everything to gain, like YOUR LIFE.

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