Does It Hurt?

In a word: NO!

The chiropractic methods Doc Martin uses to relieve your pain are:






Soundless with no popping or cracking


Gentle with no quick movements


Expertly tailored for each person and his or her needs

The Beginning

Doc Martin’s Pursuit and Mastering of Gentle-but-Effective Techniques

When I was three months pregnant, crippling lower back pain hammered me. For two weeks, I hurt so badly that I had to crawl on the floor to take care of my active nine-month-old son. My son’s father, also a chiropractor, and I tried everything we knew to relieve the pain. My back pain only got worse—a humbling lesson for both of us as fledgling doctors.

Desperate for help, we reached out to our more experienced chiropractic colleague. He used a unique adjusting technique that my husband and I had never heard of in our four years of chiropractic studies and traditional clinical training.

In minutes, the doctor performed what felt like a miracle.

The relief from excruciating back pain was almost instant!

I gingerly got myself off the table. The transformation shocked me! I went from two weeks of painful crawling to almost pain-free walking. In a couple of days, the pain completely disappeared, and that lower back pain never returned. As a doctor myself, I had to admit that I had never witnessed such extraordinary results.

Furthermore, the adjustment was totally PAINLESS!

I wanted to do for my patients what that skilled chiropractor did for me.

01. The Quest

This far-reaching experience sparked a 180-degree shift in my thinking and fueled my quest to study and master the same technique that helped me, as well as other gentle, highly effective chiropractic methods to relieve my patients’ back pain and other spine-joint-related pain.

02. Tailoring Each Adjustment for Each Individual

Because of my depth of knowledge, 32+ years of experience, and continually sharpened skills in several precise, gentle techniques, I can confidently tailor each adjustment for each person. I use one or a specific combination of these techniques to eliminate or relieve pain, increase mobility, and thereby improve function.

03. Painless Chiropractic Adjustments

Back to your original question, “Does it hurt?”. The chiropractic adjustments I give to my patients, from babies to ninety-something-year-olds, cause NO PAIN. You remain relaxed and comfortable while I focus on delivering an effective-but-gentle adjustment with state-of-the-art instruments. In fact, after seeing they have nothing to fear, children often beg their moms or dads for their turns!

Note: For people with severe pain, the simple acts of sitting, getting up, standing, walking, or turning in bed can be excruciating. Therefore, for these folks, gingerly walking into my office or slowly positioning themselves on my table can, of course, be uncomfortable.

However, the adjustment itself is painless.


Doc Martin’s Primary Adjusting Techniques:

• Activator Methods
• Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)
• Arthrostim
• Koren Specific Technique (KST)
• Tonal Integrative Correction (TIC)

In case you’re wondering, the Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) is the “miracle method” used to get me from crawling to walking—almost instantly. It’s extraordinarily effective for chronic and acute lower back pain (my problem) caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Does every SOT adjustment produce such dramatic pain relief every time for every person suffering from sacroiliac-caused pain? Of course not. However, I’ve witnessed countless patients who hobble into my office with debilitating lower back pain and walk out with significantly less pain (and often NO pain), and just as importantly—HOPE!   

What if . . . you, too, can experience mind-blowing, even life-changing, pain relief?


I’m here for you. I really am. Text or call my personal phone. Maybe, just maybe, I can help you too. 360-460-4024.

“I have no more pain in my neck or back . . . no more headaches. I can run when I want and garden. I am more agile . . . and more cheerful…and better at work. No pain improves everything!"


Nancy Radich

Doc Martin's Patient

“Thank you, Dr. Leslie, you’ve given me my life back!”


Carrie Madison

Doc Martin's Patient

“I now have the ability to perform my job with increased strength and consistency – also without any pain, stiffness, or restrictions.” 


Sherry Canepa

Doc Martin's Patient

“I feel so good. My neck and back pain hardly ever come back now. Thank you with all my heart, Dr. Leslie, for helping me reclaim my life. You've inspired me to be responsible for my health and life.”


Lauretta Ehling

Doc Martin's Patient
“I have increased mobility, improved performance at work and home, improved sense of well-being, reduction of pain. If I feel better, I do everything better. It makes life more fun.”


Lorraine Sage

Doc Martin's Patient
mini doc martin 2


Talk to Doc Martin Today

“The right combination of painless chiropractic adjustments delivered with the right touch at the right time to the right person can make all the difference.” –Dr. Leslie Martin